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Preparing New General Meeting Format

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Campus Presence

Create a partnership with the SGA's COLCA for having club signers involved in registering their club members to vote.

General Meeting Prep

Give a baby Ted Talk about voting during the upcoming general meeting.

  • Explain TurboVote service.

  • Explore Tufts NSLVE campus report data for UVM.

    • Also mention Ward 8 turnout percentages for the recent mayoral race. Max Tracey lost by 129 votes. Bernie won in the 80s by only 10.


Project: Put together question list for Assistant Registrar, RJ Sweeney, about specifics for texting all students voter registration link. Can we have a little UVM Votes link in the myUVM portal?
Assigned to: Mia Dillon
Project: Submit funding request to SGA Finance.
Assigned to: Brian Donahue

Submitted: March 21, 2021