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Course Registration Portal Integration

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Announce First General Meeting

Set the meeting for 8:30pm—9:00pm on Tuesdays (beginning 3/9/21). The SGA usually convenes from 7:00pm—8:00pm, so ideally we'd avoid a conflict so any SGA members could also attend our meeting if they wanted.

Registration Portal Editorial

Draft an editorial making the case for integrating voter registration into UVM's course registration portal the same way Stanford and Harvard have.

Collect the signatures of:


  • Civic Engagement

  • Thomas Sullivan

Use RAs as Voter Reg Advocates

Have RAs share the link to TurboVote during their community circles.


Should we write a basic FAQ page for student voters at UVM and post it on our site? This could also help SEO since we might be used as a source of fact in Google results.


Project: Write portal registration editorial before next week.
Assigned to: James

Submitted: February 28, 2021